It was just another casual task, when business scenario got
me into cancelling a specific waiting workflow in Microsoft Dynamic CRM for
some specific entity.
First, I googled it looking around if someone had written something
about it. I was getting lot of articles to execute workflows, but I was looking
to cancel the waiting workflows. I decided to go-ahead and use SQL to find the Guid
of specific workflow instance, so that I can execute my code to try canceling
I got surprised when I found multiple records of my workflow,
but then on CRM UI it was just one.
Then I took a closer look at the workflow table and try to
differentiate them and finally I was able to write a query to filter out the
one that I was interested in.
you are not seeing multiple, just activate and deactivate a workflow few times
and it will generate multiple records of the workflow)
So how to find the Guid of exact workflow that would get triggered
based on name only?
Select top 100 categoryname,name,workflowid,statecodename,statuscodename, parentworkflowid,parentworkflowidname
From FilteredWorkflow
Where name like '%Hold on%'
And category = 0 -- Workflow
And statecode = 1
And parentworkflowid is not null
Rest API request would be like:
eq 1
ParentWorkflowId/Id ne null
and Name eq
\'' + workflowName + "\"
How to find
the Async Job Id that
get triggered and it’s associated to our workflow?
From the above query, we can find the workflow Id which is responsible for activating the instance of the
workflow. That’s why it may have been named as Workflow Activation Id in AsyncOperation
Now we use workflow id to filter out the instances, which we
actually might be interested in.
eq 'invoice'
and operationtype eq 10
and statecode eq 1
and ( statuscode eq 0 or statuscode eq 20 or statuscode eq 10)
and _regardingobjectid_value eq
and ( _workflowactivationid_value eq
or _workflowactivationid_value
eq 1AC0E180-39E9-E711-80DA-6C626DCF4746)
Finally, to
cancel the workflow, here is a code.
function Cancel_Waiting_Workflows(asyncId)
var entity = {};
= 3;
= 32;
var req = new
XMLHttpRequest();"PATCH", Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl()
+ "/api/data/v8.1/asyncoperations("
+ asyncId + ")", false);
req.setRequestHeader("OData-MaxVersion", "4.0");
req.setRequestHeader("OData-Version", "4.0");
req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;
req.setRequestHeader("Prefer", "odata.include-annotations=\"*\"");
= function() {
if (this.readyState
=== 4) {
= null;
if (this.status ===
204) {
//Success - No Return Data - Do Something
else {
It was great to explore in Dynamic CRM.
Keep Learning!!!