Monday, December 25, 2017

Cancel Workflow using JavaScript and Web API in Microsoft Dynamic CRM

It was just another casual task, when business scenario got me into cancelling a specific waiting workflow in Microsoft Dynamic CRM for some specific entity.

First, I googled it looking around if someone had written something about it. I was getting lot of articles to execute workflows, but I was looking to cancel the waiting workflows. I decided to go-ahead and use SQL to find the Guid of specific workflow instance, so that I can execute my code to try canceling it.

I got surprised when I found multiple records of my workflow, but then on CRM UI it was just one.

Then I took a closer look at the workflow table and try to differentiate them and finally I was able to write a query to filter out the one that I was interested in.

(If you are not seeing multiple, just activate and deactivate a workflow few times and it will generate multiple records of the workflow)

So how to find the Guid of exact workflow that would get triggered based on name only?

Select top 100 categoryname,name,workflowid,statecodename,statuscodename, parentworkflowid,parentworkflowidname 
From FilteredWorkflow
Where name like '%Hold on%'
And category = 0 -- Workflow
And statecode = 1
And parentworkflowid is not null

Rest API request would be like:

&$filter=StateCode/Value eq 1
and ParentWorkflowId/Id ne null
and Name eq \'' + workflowName + "\"

How to find the Async Job Id that get triggered and it’s associated to our workflow?

From the above query, we can find the workflow Id which is responsible for activating the instance of the workflow. That’s why it may have been named as Workflow Activation Id in AsyncOperation Table/Entity.

Now we use workflow id to filter out the instances, which we actually might be interested in.

&$filter=primaryentitytype eq 'invoice'
and operationtype eq 10
and  statecode eq 1
and ( statuscode eq 0 or  statuscode eq 20 or  statuscode eq 10)
and  _regardingobjectid_value eq 638F13B4-4AE9-E711-80DA-6C626DCF4746

and ( _workflowactivationid_value eq 98CA71E7-EEE6-E711-80D9-6C626DCF4746
      or _workflowactivationid_value eq 1AC0E180-39E9-E711-80DA-6C626DCF4746)

Finally, to cancel the workflow, here is a code.

function Cancel_Waiting_Workflows(asyncId)
       var entity = {};
       entity.statecode = 3;
       entity.statuscode = 32;

       var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"PATCH", Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl() + "/api/data/v8.1/asyncoperations(" + asyncId + ")", false);
       req.setRequestHeader("OData-MaxVersion", "4.0");
       req.setRequestHeader("OData-Version", "4.0");
       req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
       req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
       req.setRequestHeader("Prefer", "odata.include-annotations=\"*\"");
       req.onreadystatechange = function() {
              if (this.readyState === 4) {
                     req.onreadystatechange = null;
                     if (this.status === 204) {
                           //Success - No Return Data - Do Something
                     } else {

It was great to explore in Dynamic CRM.

Keep Learning!!!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Failed to import Business Process 'Lead to Opportunity Sales Process' in Microsoft Dynamic 365 CRM

I am here to explain one problem that I faced, when doing import of a solution in Microsoft Dynamic 356 CRM environment. I got an exception when I tried to import my managed solution from one Dynamic 356 CRM environment to other newly instantiated one.

Before I promote my solution to Production instance, I wanted to make sure that my solution is error free and there is no component dependency, which usually one have faced during import of a solution.

So I decided to make a new test environment and do testing there and if everything is working well, I can take further steps to move it to production environment.

I did some of the changes in existing standard business process flow like removing some of the fields and adding few as my client business requirements. When I exported the solution both in managed and un-managed formed, I did not receive any complaints from Dynamic CRM platform.

When I tried to import the managed solution to my new test environment, the import wizard complains about below listed error.

Failed to import Business Process 'Lead to Opportunity Sales Process' because solution does not include corresponding Business Process entity 'leadtoopportunitysalesprocess'.

Failed to import Business Process 'Opportunity Sales Process' because solution does not include corresponding Business Process entity 'opportunitysalesprocess'.


We need to add corresponding entity to our solution, as we did some changes in Standard out the box business process.
  • These corresponding entities do not appear under standard entity list.
  • They also don’t get added when you may try to add all required components.
  •  In fact, I found them under 1:N relationship of respective entity.

Here is a screen shot of an Opportunity Sales Process as a Related entity which appear in 1:N relationship of Opportunity entity.

Similarly, we can add Lead to opportunity Sales Process entity under 1:N relationship of Lead entity. Once we do this, we can see both entities which were missing in above exception are listed in entities list of solution.

After adding these entities, my import customization went successful.

Friday, February 10, 2017

How to create Business rules in Microsoft Dynamic CRM 2016.

Dynamics CRM 2016 is here and with it comes some exciting new features. Microsoft have update Business rule editor with drag and drop features. Let’s try to think of a scenario and use this new enhanced feature.

Business Scenario :

On quote entity, we have need to display Primary contact based on account selected in Potential Customer. If Potential Customer is not selected then we need to lock the Primary Contact.

Solution :

1) Create a One to many relationship between Contact and Quote.

2) Change the field property to display only related records.

3) Create a business rule to Lock the Primary contact until valid Potential Customer not populated by user.

The editor also show us the tips that we are dragging control to valid area. After attaching the Action Control, we are then supposed to populate its properties.

After locking the primary contact, we then clear the value if any in Primary Contact.

We then unlock primary contact if valid potential customer provided by having condition branch.

We then save and activate the Business Rule. CRM does a validation check and if there are no error it display a “Validation successful” messages.

I hope you find this Microsoft Dynamic CRM feature interesting and ease of use.

Vipin Jaiswal