I believe there is a need to do more practicals when playing with hiding menu options from Site map in dynamic 365 CRM.
So I am creating this blog with only practicals.
Visit previous blog which is having steps to hide navigation menus
Hide Navigation Menu in Dynamic 365 CRM
Here I would be presenting a small practical to hide /
show navigation menu in Dynamic 365 CRM. I would be playing with Product
Catalog under setting area
I have created two security Role to test if it is
working as expected.
1) Salesperson ---- DO NOT Show Products
When Users logged in, he sees no Product Catalog.
2) Salesperson ---- Show Products
Now when Users logged in with Read privileges on
HideNavigationItem entity, he sees Product Catalog menu option.
Just considering the last case, what if a user’s has
been assign with both such security role.
He will see the Product Catalog as we get the union of both security role :)
Vipin Jaiswal