Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Tips for troubleshooting in Microsoft Dynamic CRM

This card cannot be used – Nikon Camera External Memory Card Error.

I was getting a flash error message (This card cannot be used) on my Nikon Coolpix P510 for a external memory card.

The same external memory card was working perfectly fine on a laptop.

I tried few things like
  • Clean the card with soft cloth.
  • Turning camera On and Off for few times.
  • Format the card on a laptop, both quick and full format.

Unfortunately, none of these worked for me L

Then I thought card can't be corrupt, otherwise it will not be working on my laptop. I thought, there is something wrong with the camera settings.

But, I was not able to do any operation as my camera was stuck with an error message and not allowing me to do nothing.

  • I removed the external memory card.
  • I turn my camera On with only internal memory.
  • I then did a RESET camera to factory setting, and yes this solved my problem.


You might be thinking why I am writing about how I had fix my Camera problem. But let me tell you, that some time learning from small issue also a good experience to show case how to troubleshoot any exception or problem in Dynamic CRM too.

Whenever we get any unknown exception in Dynamic CRM, the very first thing we do is to google it down, to know the detail of underline exception.

We often ignore the process chain which might have caused an error to occur.

Here are some tips which really helped me when I am doing troubleshooting.

Don’t Assume
We waste many hours investigating problems and looking for solutions based on an incorrect assumption. When dealing with problems don’t assume anything, check assumptions and cross them off.  Lots of times you will find the problem.

Narrow down - Problem Domain
Googling, only base exception will give you thousands of articles and it might mislead you. First we need to narrow down and get it to the inner exception and google only about related inner exception, which could result in better articles explaining the possible cause and solution to the problem.

Understand Technical and Functional side of an error.
There could be a possible chance that some developer had thrown an exception in such a way that it looks like the system exception, but it might be valid exception. While troubleshooting, one needs to be fully aware of the functional process and he may have to guess but the guessing should be supported by process to narrow down the root cause of the error.

Vipin Jaiswal

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