Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Couldn’t complete execution of the plug-in within the 2-minute limit

Exception :
Unhandled exception:
Exception type: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]
Message: An unexpected error occurred from ISV code. (ErrorType = ClientError) Unexpected exception from plug-in (Execute):  Plugins.InvoiceRowDiscountPostUpdate: System.TimeoutException: Couldn’t complete execution of the Plugins.InvoiceRowDiscountPostUpdate plug-in within the 2-minute limit.Detail:
Business Requirement

When a discount of parent record gets updated, its need to
  1. Recalculate various tax amount and to update all associated child records.
  2. Update parent records itself with sum of calculated amount.

Root Cause Identified

We have Dynamics CRM Online SYNCHRONOUS plugin that was going on an infinite recursion when updating itself.

  1. We should remove all the attributes that are consider as filtering attribute in triggering the plugin from the entity before we trigger orgproxy.update

In my case, I had an attribute – new_discount

// Remove the discount attribute from the Parent Invoice Row to stop going in the infinite loop.
if (parentInvoiceRow.Contains("new_discount"))

    2) The update cannot be a part of ExecuteMultiple, even if you remove the triggering attribute. Below is self explanatory code 

UpdateRequest createRequest = new UpdateRequest { Target = singleChildInvoicerow };

// Cannot be a part of Request Multiple - going on an infinite Loop.
// UpdateRequest parentCreateRequest = new UpdateRequest { Target = parentInvoiceRow };
// requestWithResults.Requests.Add(parentCreateRequest);

// Execute all the requests in the request collection using a single web method call - for only Child Record.
ExecuteMultipleResponse responseWithResults = (ExecuteMultipleResponse)neoService.Execute(requestWithResults);

// Do a separate update for the parent record.

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