Saturday, August 3, 2019

How to filtered records by logged in user team

Problem Statement
Need to create a view for Lead/Account/Opportunity entity that is filtered by the logged in user's Business Unit/Team/Reporting Hierarchy.

Solution 1
There are various options that are present in Advanced Find to filter opportunities, we should try understanding them and design our CRM accordingly so that we do not require more customization. Lets first have a look at it.

A] Equals Current User
It simply states that listing opportunities whose owner field is populated with current logged-in user only.

B] Does Not Equal Current User
If current user is having Organizational or Business Unit level access to opportunity record, a user can see all the opportunities respectively. If user is interested in viewing other user’s opportunities record that do not directly belong to him can select this view.

C] Equal Current User Or His Reporting Hierarchy
To understand the option “His Reporting Hierarchy”, we must first understand Hierarchy Security Model in Microsoft Dynamic CRM.
Selecting this will list all records which either directly belongs to the user or belongs to the subordinate user which are reporting under him.

D] Equals Current User’s Team
A user can be a part of one or multiple teams. (Refer Alex in below image as he is a part of both Sales and marketing team.
A team can have multiple users.
This selection will list records which directly belongs to any team which a current user is a part of.
For example: Alex can see records for both Sales and Marketing teams, where as Marco can see records of only Marketing team.

E] Equals Current User or User’s Team
This selection will list out records which either directly owned by the current user or records which belongs to the team which he belongs to.

F] Equals Current User And His Teams Or His Reporting Hierarchy And their Teams
It’s a combination of all the above selection which list out records which belongs to current users and records belongs to any team which a user part of or records which are owned by user which comes in his reporting hierarchy.

Solution 2
We can use Owing user as linked entity to get to the records which belongs to the user current business unit. This will restrict the records getting rendered that do not belongs user business unit.

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