Friday, January 17, 2020

How to make Email signature not editable in email body in Dynamic CRM

Recently, one of the clients asked me to have a preview of email signature on email entity (not to be edited) and signature must be a part of email body when sending out email from Dynamic CRM.


As the email body is an open editor user can edit the content within it, which might include email signature. The only solution which I find is to create a web-resource to show the preview of email signature and inject it into email body.

1) Let’s begin with creating a sample email signature in Dynamic CRM.
    Navigate to Settings -> Templates -> Email Signatures -> New

2) Create a Webpage (HTML) webresource

Here is a content of web-resource
Note : You can optimize the code further, here it is written to make it more readable.

    function resourceOnLoad()
        var ownerId = parent.Xrm.Page.context.getUserId();
        var entityName = "emailsignature";
        var filterQuery = "?$filter=_ownerid_value eq " + ownerId + " and isdefault eq true";, filterQuery, 1).then(
            function success(result)
                var signatureStr = result.entities[0].presentationxml;
                signatureStr = window.decodeURI(signatureStr);

                signatureStr = signatureStr.replace(/</g, '<');
                signatureStr = signatureStr.replace(/>/g, '>');
                signatureStr = signatureStr.replace(/&/g, '&');
                signatureStr = signatureStr.replace(/"/g, '\'');   // Single Quote

                xmlDoc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(signatureStr, "text/html");
                signatureStr = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('presentationxml')[0].innerHTML;

                document.getElementById('sig').innerHTML = str;
            function (error)
<body onload="resourceOnLoad()">
    <div id="sig">


3) Inject the web-resource on email entity

Customize the form and Add Web Resource

4) Create a New Email Record and see email signature in preview.

Additional Findings

  • Set email signature as Default to automatically inject email signature to email body.
  • You cannot create any relationship with Email Signature entity in D365 CRM

Here are some more articles

>> Enhanced Email Communication in Dynamic 365 CRM

>> Configure email synchronization and Mailboxes on Microsoft Dynamics CRM 365 Online

>> How to make Email signature NOT editable in email body in Dynamic CRM

>> Send an email from Dynamic CRM in C#

>> Change the email template content dynamically in Dynamic CRM

>> Error: The email must have at least one recipient before it can be sent.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

How to migrate Personal Views, Dashboard and Charts in Dynamic CRM

I was involved in Data migration activity for one of my customer’s and whose CRM Users have heavily created Personal Views, Personal Dashboard and Personal Charts too. It seems the reporting was required daily.

Why I ended up creating C# Console App
This client wanted to move to latest version of Dynamic CRM and wanted to move from one tenant to another tenant, so simply taking DB backup and migrating it with Deployment manager was rejected by Microsoft itself as during 2018 it was not supported, so I help them with their migration activity in combination of some supported tools and little bit of C# applications.

Here in this article, I am sharing C# code to migrate
  • Personal Views,
  • Personal Dashboard and
  • Personal Charts

C# Code Sample

  • Code is provided with comments to help with better understanding. 
  • Recommend to run it in Debugging more to see it working. 

ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = (SecurityProtocolType)3072;
CrmServiceClient orgSvc_Source = new CrmServiceClient(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Source"].ConnectionString);
CrmServiceClient orgSvc_Target = new CrmServiceClient(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Target"].ConnectionString);

if (!(orgSvc_Source.IsReady && orgSvc_Target.IsReady))
QueryExpression userQueryExp = new QueryExpression("systemuser") { ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true), NoLock = true };

EntityCollection systemUsersFromSource = orgSvc_Source.RetrieveMultiple(userQueryExp);

foreach (Entity userRecSource in systemUsersFromSource.Entities)
    if (userRecSource.Attributes["userlicensetype"].ToString() == "-1")
        continue;   // User must have valid License Type
    if (userRecSource.Id != Guid.Parse("72F2F31C-EF96-45EB-AAB5-F84FAE173D78"))
        continue;   // If you need to Skip any Specific Users

    Guid instanceOneUserId = userRecSource.Id;
    orgSvc_Source.CallerId = instanceOneUserId;

    QueryExpression userSavedQueries = new QueryExpression("userquery")
                    { ColumnSet = new ColumnSet() { AllColumns = true }, NoLock = true };

    QueryExpression query1 = new QueryExpression("userqueryvisualization")
                    { ColumnSet = new ColumnSet() { AllColumns = true }, NoLock = true };

    QueryExpression query2 = new QueryExpression("userform")
                    { ColumnSet = new ColumnSet() { AllColumns = true }, NoLock = true };

    //Fetch all personal views, charts and dashboards
    List personalViews = orgSvc_Source.RetrieveMultiple(userSavedQueries).Entities.ToList();
    List personalCharts = orgSvc_Source.RetrieveMultiple(query1).Entities.ToList();
    List personalDashboards = orgSvc_Source.RetrieveMultiple(query2).Entities.ToList();

    EntityCollection systemUsersFromTarget = orgSvc_Target.RetrieveMultiple(userQueryExp);
    foreach (Entity userRecTarget in systemUsersFromTarget.Entities)
        if (!(userRecTarget.Id == Guid.Parse("325BF9DE-AF11-E911-A994-000D3A33AFD1")))
            continue;   // Here you can decide which user you wish to Assign
        Guid instanceTwoUserId = userRecTarget.Id;
        orgSvc_Target.CallerId = instanceTwoUserId;

        //Personal Views
        personalViews.ForEach(e =>
            // On my case we have only ONE Root BU, please handle you case specifically
            e.Attributes["owningbusinessunit"] =
                    new EntityReference("businessunit", Guid.Parse("33EA22FE-F004-E911-A956-000D3A37FBCE"));

            e.Attributes["ownerid"] = new EntityReference(userRecTarget.LogicalName, userRecTarget.Id);
            e.Attributes["owninguser"] = new EntityReference(userRecTarget.LogicalName, userRecTarget.Id);
            e.Attributes["modifiedby"] = new EntityReference(userRecTarget.LogicalName, userRecTarget.Id);
            e.Attributes["createdby"] = new EntityReference(userRecTarget.LogicalName, userRecTarget.Id);                       

        //Personal Charts
        personalCharts.ForEach(e =>
            e.Attributes["owningbusinessunit"] =
                    new EntityReference("businessunit", Guid.Parse("33EA22FE-F004-E911-A956-000D3A37FBCE"));

            e.Attributes["ownerid"] = new EntityReference(userRecTarget.LogicalName, userRecTarget.Id);
            e.Attributes["owninguser"] = new EntityReference(userRecTarget.LogicalName, userRecTarget.Id);
            e.Attributes["modifiedby"] = new EntityReference(userRecTarget.LogicalName, userRecTarget.Id);
            e.Attributes["createdby"] = new EntityReference(userRecTarget.LogicalName, userRecTarget.Id);

        //Personal Dashboards
        personalDashboards.ForEach(e =>
            e.Attributes["owningbusinessunit"] =
                    new EntityReference("businessunit", Guid.Parse("33EA22FE-F004-E911-A956-000D3A37FBCE"));

            e.Attributes["ownerid"] = new EntityReference(userRecTarget.LogicalName, userRecTarget.Id);
            e.Attributes["owninguser"] = new EntityReference(userRecTarget.LogicalName, userRecTarget.Id);
            e.Attributes["modifiedby"] = new EntityReference(userRecTarget.LogicalName, userRecTarget.Id);
            e.Attributes["createdby"] = new EntityReference(userRecTarget.LogicalName, userRecTarget.Id);
    }//end foreach inner
}//end foreach outer

I wish you all the best with the code.

Vipin Jaiswal