Recently, one of the clients asked me to have a preview
of email signature on email entity (not to be edited)
and signature must be a part of email body when sending out email
from Dynamic CRM.
As the email body is an open editor user can edit the
content within it, which might include email signature. The only solution which
I find is to create a web-resource to show the preview of email signature and
inject it into email body.
1) Let’s begin with creating a sample email signature
in Dynamic CRM.
Navigate to Settings -> Templates -> Email
Signatures -> New
2) Create a Webpage (HTML) webresource
Here is a content of web-resource
Note : You can optimize the code further, here it is written to make it more readable.
function resourceOnLoad()
var ownerId = parent.Xrm.Page.context.getUserId();
var entityName = "emailsignature";
var filterQuery = "?$filter=_ownerid_value
eq " + ownerId + " and
isdefault eq true";,
filterQuery, 1).then(
function success(result)
var signatureStr = result.entities[0].presentationxml;
signatureStr = window.decodeURI(signatureStr);
signatureStr =
signatureStr.replace(/</g, '<');
signatureStr =
signatureStr.replace(/>/g, '>');
signatureStr =
signatureStr.replace(/&/g, '&');
signatureStr =
signatureStr.replace(/"/g, '\''); // Single Quote
xmlDoc = (new
DOMParser()).parseFromString(signatureStr, "text/html");
signatureStr = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('presentationxml')[0].innerHTML;
document.getElementById('sig').innerHTML = str;
function (error)
<body onload="resourceOnLoad()">
<div id="sig">
3) Inject the web-resource on email entity
Customize the form and Add Web Resource
4) Create a New Email Record and see email signature in
Additional Findings
- Set email signature as Default to automatically inject email signature to email body.
- You cannot create any relationship with Email Signature entity in D365 CRM
Here are some more articles
>> Enhanced Email Communication in Dynamic 365 CRM
>> Configure email synchronization and Mailboxes on Microsoft Dynamics CRM 365 Online
>> How to make Email signature NOT editable in email body in Dynamic CRM
>> Send an email from Dynamic CRM in C#
>> Change the email template content dynamically in Dynamic CRM
>> Error: The email must have at least one recipient before it can be sent.