Opportunity Roll-up fields

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Opportunity Products Grid
Roll-up fields Definition
Generic method to re-calculate and refresh the Rollup field.
refreshRoleupField: function (executionContext, entityName, entityId, rollup_fieldName)
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
var clientUrl = formContext.context.getClientUrl();
// Method Calling and defining parameter
var rollupAPIMethod = "/api/data/v9.1/CalculateRollupField(Target=@tid,FieldName=@fn)";
// Passing Parameter Values
rollupAPIMethod += "?@tid={'@odata.id':'" + entityName + "(" + entityId + ")'}&@fn='" + rollup_fieldName + "'";
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open("GET", clientUrl + rollupAPIMethod, false);
req.onreadystatechange = function ()
if (this.readyState === 4)
req.onreadystatechange = null;
if (this.status === 200)
console.log("Field Recalculated successfully");
Syntax for calling the method
onLoad: function (executionContext)
var entityId = formContext.data.entity.getId().replace('{', '').replace('}', '');
opty.Functions.refreshRoleupField(executionContext, 'opportunities', entityId, 'new_totalunitcost');
opty.Functions.refreshRoleupField(executionContext, 'opportunities', entityId, 'new_sumextendedcost');
I hope you find this useful.
Refer other blog post here
Refer other blog post here
Could you please elaborate a little more about how to use this code? I have a parent-child relationship and I would like to immediately update a rollup field on the parent whenever a child is created/updated/deleted. How should I call your code?
And there is a hardcoded totalamount attribute in your code. Does this make sense?
Thank you!
Thanks for sharing an idea, but for me refreshing by "Save" doesn't work because of 'Don't have dirty changes to save' error. I use refresh instead but it triggers reloading table and endless loop. I break it with global boolean variable, but this way seems ugly and furthermore - do not stable.
Thanks Vipin
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