Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Follow Functionality in Dynamics 365 CRM

In this blog, we will learn about the "Follow" functionality in Dynamics CRM.

  • The Follow functionality helps to track various activities performed for a record or multiple records.
  • We can follow records for out-of-box entities like leads, accounts, and contacts and get to see views like Leads I follow, Accounts I follow or Contacts I follow
  • For custom entities, we need to manually activate (configure) Follow functionality.

Let’s begin. We have a custom entity named “Student”

Navigate to Advance settings > Security > Activity Feeds Configuration.

Search the custom entity from the Post Configuration view. The status for the custom entity must be Inactive, you need to activate it.

To Activate the entity for Follow functionality, select the entity. Click on Activate Button as shown in the below screenshot.

You will get a confirmation box for activation. Click on Activate.

In order to replicate the same in the form, we need to Publish the Customization.

Now navigate to the custom entity (Student in my scenario) and notice two new views added

Open any existing record. Click on 3 dots you will find a follow option now. 

You can now check

  • list of Students you follow from view Student I Follow
  • list of Students Followed by other users as well, from the option Students being Followed.

Troubleshooting the ‘I Follow’ functionality

If you do not get the Follow option try the following:

  • Make sure you publish the entity customization
  • Make sure that the user has sufficient privilege under his security role.

Hope this will resolve your issue.

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